About Us

Our names are Jasmine and Natalie and we're here to debunk some myths -- mainly, the myth of the lazy, entitled, unprepared-for-the-world millennial.

A little more about us...

Jasmine-baby, wanna put an 'about me' about yourself (heh) in here?  :)

Hello!  I’m Natalie and I am honoured and excited to be 1/2 of Will Work For Pay.  Over the past couple of years here in Toronto, I've met hundreds of hard-working, inspiring, talented individuals and, for the most part, I believe that my generation wants to make a positive impact on the world -- which is why this "lazy millennial" myth is so frustrating, and it's also why I'm so excited to be part of this project.  On a more personal note, I am a student at U of T studying English and Sociology.  I drink a lot of coffee and think that the world is our oyster (but Toronto is most definitely the pearl).

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